Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Little Snippets From Our Days

It's funny how kids pick up little sayings from movies.  Today, the kids were saying "You calling Dr. Jones, Doll".  (From Indiana Jones) Faith gets right in my face & tells me "You calling Dr. Jones, doll.  ~ Mama, that's a nickname for a woman."  Where do they get this?


Tonight Sparks had Sparkie store.  The kids earn Sparkie dollars for their sections, bringing their Bible, wearing their vest, going to Revival & attending class. Collin has one of the biggest hearts that I know.  He could use all of his money to buy for himself.  Every time they have the store, he buys things for me, his sister & for his brother.  He buys more for us then he does for himself.  I am so thankful & am praying that he will always have such a tender & giving heart.

One of the gifts that he bought for Faith was a crown.  After she put on her crown, she asked, " Collin, do I look beautiful?"  Collin responded, "very beautiful."

We may not have much in the eyes of the world, but we have so much more.  I wouldn't trade what we have for all the money in the world.  My cup runneth over.


All afternoon, Will was saying that he wanted to build a bird feeder.  We didn't have any of the supplies to build one. I told him that we would pray about it and maybe we would get one soon. Faith decided to open a prize that they got last week for helping with the Ladies Prison Ministry at our church.  Guess what it prize was......a bird feeder kit.  Oh the excitement around the house tonight.


We had a great day in school.  Watched a movie about Johnny Tremain from Disney.  The kids really loved it.  Watching the Boston Tea Party, making silver, and the battles from Lexington & Concord really brought it to life.

This afternoon, the kids had a great time tearing down Thomas The Tank Engine.  All the kids have really loved him through out the years.  My father-in-law built a big wooden Thomas Train that they could get inside & play when Will was about 2 1/2.  It had a good long life with the kids.  What great memories we've had with it, but it was starting to rot & wasn't safe to play in anymore.  Watching the kids tear it down was sad, but they really enjoyed it.  Will & Faith gave up on it after awhile, but Collin kept at it.  He got it all broken down & loaded it on the trailer.  He is such a hard worker.

Tonight, Collin said that he wished that he had something else to demolish.  So, if you have anything that you would like to be demolish, let us know.  We can take care of it for you.

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